Culture of inclusion

The idea behind the project is the cooperation of cultural operators, local government units, non-governmental organizations and educational institutions in the field of inclusive education, i.e. the full inclusion of people with disabilities in social and cultural life.

Culture of inclusion fot. Rafał Chojnacki

Inclusive education is an increasingly used model of working with people with special educational needs. Its success depends on the integrated activities of many institutions, including cultural institutions.

The main objective of the project is to promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities in social and cultural life. Inclusive culture is of particular importance in the context of learning throughout life. Its essence is to overcome barriers to participation in culture, to show healthy people what disability is, as well as having fun together.

Culture of inclusion fot. Rafał Chojnacki

Culture of inclusion fot. Rafał Chojnacki

The Mazovia Institute of Culture



ul. Elektoralna 12, 00-139 Warszawa

tel. (22) 586 42 00
fax (22) 624 70 01

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REGON: 146115201