Movement Theater and performing arts

Since the beginning of its existence, Mazovia Institute of Culture has been promoting and spreading Movement Theater and the so-called performing arts: mime, dance theater, street and outdoor theater. The Warsaw Dance Theater began its activities in our facility, the Stefan Niedziałkowski Mime Studio is located at MIK, and the first edition of the Dance Art center in Warsaw took place here – an innovative project of 17 non-governmental organizations.

Movement Theater and performing arts. Inspiracje. Fot. Magdalena Chabros

Many events are accompanied by workshops, lectures, and meetings with artists. Education is, in fact, an equally important aspect of our business.

As the only company in Poland, since 2002 we have been conducting the Movement Theater Workshops Inspirations – a “traveling” project addressed to the amateur artistic environment in Mazovia. The main objectives of Inspiration are to teach Movement Theater to recipients from outside the major centers and demonstrate new techniques, which are useful in working with a theater ensemble.

Our colleagues are outstanding artists of performing arts, including: Bartłomiej Ostapczuk, Gregg Goldstone, Stefan Niedziałkowski, Aleksandra Dziurosz and younger, but already recognized artists: Paulina Święcańska, Anna Majder and Aleksander Piechnik.

The Mazovia Institute of Culture is a co-organizer of major artistic events including the Warsaw Dance Days – the International Contemporary Dance Festival and International Workshops and Presentations of Mime Art Silent body. The biggest event that brings together all areas of performing arts is the Theater Festival InQbator in Ostrołęka, of which it is the initiator.

Movement Theater and performing arts. Inspiracje

The Mazovia Institute of Culture



ul. Elektoralna 12, 00-139 Warszawa

tel. (22) 586 42 00
fax (22) 624 70 01

NIP: 525-000-59-00
REGON: 146115201